Wednesday, April 18, 2007



Rock and Roll na Polónia (a exposição agora em breve sightseing)

performance na inauguração

exposição @ LAZNIA - Gdansk, Polónia. by ex-girls(Magdalena Ujma and Joanna Zielinska)

jon Mikel Euba (País Basco)"Gowar"

Sean Snyder (EUA)
"the site" 2004/05

"LAST NEWS" is the development of research done so far by the "exgirls group" on the subject of beauty and violence. The starting point is provided by the mass media and its fascination with bad news. With their help the exhibition is going to study the subject of reality and the ways of creating and destroying the reality by images. Today's images are characterized by the disappearance of truth for the sake of politics and aesthetics. At the same time the art misses reality and struggles to tame it; artists make use of direct quotations and the literal language of media. The artworks presented on the exhibition are close to the political and activist art thus documenting contestation and revolt against simulated reality. Artists from Europe, America as well as Middle East are going to answer the question whether it is possible to get to the reality analysing successive layers of paintings, reproductions, photographs and reflections constantly flowing through the world.

Gianni Motti (Italia) "Shock and Awe", 2003 - Vidéo

Sean Snyder

Christoph Draeger (Suiça) Helenes - Apparition of freedom 2005

Carla Cruz (Portugal)"Blood 4 Oil"

Jan Simon (Polónia)

wilhelm Sasnal

Hubert Czerepok (Polónia)2007, pinturas feitas a partir de fotografias tiradas de avioes militares quando despejavam bombas sobre cidades.

wilhelm Sasnal (polónia)

Dan Perjovschi

David Ter Oganyan/Pavel Mitenko (Russia) noticias do dia anterior

Group Atlas/ Walid Raad (Libano/EUA)

act 2- do you want to manipulate for a change?

Plataforma interactiva, em forma de teatro de fantoches de rua, tendo como personagens politicos (presidente e primeiro ministro da Polonia, o Papa, presidente da camara, ministro da cultura, presidentes da Russia e Irão)

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